How does a host deliver InPlace® Learning?

We intentionally designed our InPlace® Workshops to have a very light burden for the host. The host needs no special knowledge in suicide prevention, though they do need to be comfortable with the tech set up and streaming video. During the workshop, the host conveys enthusiasm, advances the videos, and keeps the group on track during discussions and practice exercises.

Everything the host needs to know about facilitating an InPlace ® Workshop fits on a  two-page handout:  Getting Started with InPlace® Learning. You can find it in your Safeside Account.

This 10-min video walks you through what you need to know - an overview of the SafeSide Framework and InPlace Learning, and the role of the host.

Facilitating remote groups? See our Guide to InPlace® Learning with Remote Groups

How do I select the host/facilitator for an InPlace® Workshop?