What do I need to know about participating in a SafeSide InPlace Workshop being hosted via videoconference?
There's a reason we call it the InPlace® Learning – teams can participate in the workshop and engage in ongoing suicide prevention education wherever they are.
Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your experience:
Join the meeting a few minutes early.
Where possible, print the Participant Workbook the host sent you. Otherwise, have it on the screen to reference during the workshop.
During the workshop, keep your camera on and commit to sitting 2-3 feet back from your computer so you aren’t tempted to check email or multitask. You’ll benefit the most if you’re truly engaged and present.
The discussions and practice exercises can all be conducted online - commit to being an active participant so you and your team get the most out of thinking about how to apply what you're learning within your role and in a culturally relevant way with those you serve.
Use Gallery Mode or a similar viewing mode where you can see everybody in the group at the same time, rather than just the active speaker.
Mute yourself during the videos to minimize background noise.
Be sure to complete the post-workshop evaluation using the link in your Participant Workbook at the end of the last module to get credit for completing the workshop. Click here to learn what you receive when you complete your post-workshop evaluation.
Zoom Best Practices
Human Scale Business made our favorite one-pager on how to Zoom like a champ. Note: we don't know the folks at Human Scale or their work, so we can only endorse the awesome page they made.
Tutorials by Zoom
Join a Meeting
Joining & Configuring Audio and Video